
Quick steps for a Direct Loan

  1. 完成 FAFSA for the appropriate aid year (2015-2016)

  2. 使用您的联邦学生援助密码在以下地址签署直接贷款的主本票(MPN) 热门产品.政府

  3. Complete Entrance Counseling for Direct Loans at 热门产品.政府

General Direct Loan Information

How to 应用 for a Direct Loan

How will I receive my Direct Loan?


How do I repay my Federal Direct Loan?

General Direct Loan Information

联邦直接贷款是低息的学生贷款,必须在你毕业或入学时间低于一半后偿还. 直接贷款是联邦财政援助的一种形式,只有符合以下条件的学生才能获得:

  • 进入下半场 (six credit hours) or more
  • Making 金融援助 Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). 财政援助令人满意的学业进步政策可在学生财政援助办公室和网上获得 在这里
  • Eligible for federal aid -参见道尔顿国家财政援助信息讲义或点击“how is my financial aid eligibility determined?" for more information.

7月1日或之后发放的本科生资助及非资助直接贷款的利率, 2015年至6月30日, 2016年固定在4.29%. 还款开始于你毕业后6个月,或者你的入学时间低于半学期. 这六个月的宽限期是为了让你有时间在偿还你的直接贷款之前找到一份工作.

学生经济援助办公室根据你的FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助)的结果确定你是否有资格获得直接贷款。, 出勤费用, and other financial aid received. This includes agency payments such as Vocational Rehabilitation, Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Trade Assistance Act (TAA), and Veteran's Benefit's. 学生有责任通知经济援助办公室任何外部情况 奖学金 或者代理付款.

Subsidized Direct Loan

你必须有经济需求(基于FAFSA的结果)才有资格获得补贴直接贷款. 在上学期间或宽限期或延期期间,你不需要支付直接补贴贷款的利息——政府为你支付.

Unsubsidized Direct Loan

这个版本的联邦直接贷款不是基于财政需要. 借款人须自收到无补贴直接贷款之日起承担所有利息费用. 当你在学校或在宽限期或延期期间,你不需要付款, we recommend that you pay interest quarterly. 任何未支付的应计利息将在您输入还款时添加(资本化)到贷款余额中.


道尔顿状态 offers the base amounts for student loans. 学生如欲借用更多贷款,请填写贷款申请表. 为期12个月(秋季-春季-夏季)的联邦直接贷款是:

  • 新生3500美元
  • 二年级学生4500美元
  • 申请初级或高级学士学位的学生可获得5500美元.

Grade level is determined by hours earned and not hours attempted; students in one year programs are considered freshmen regardless of attempted hours; students in two year programs may not exceed sophomore level regardless of attempted hours. 独立学生可能有资格获得额外的无补贴直接贷款,最高可达6美元,000 per year at the freshman or sophomore level and up to $7,000 per year at the junior or senior level. Dependent students may be eligible to borrow $2,000 per year in additional Unsubsidized Direct Loan funds.

How to 应用 for a Direct Loan

第一步:FAFSA -完成 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) 并将结果发送到Mg4355娱乐电子游戏网站(学校代码003956). You may complete the FAFSA online at www.fafsa.ed.政府. 在FAFSA上注明你希望被考虑申请学生贷款. mg摆脱豪华版传奇大奖最新版本必须有你的FAFSA的结果,你的申请必须在我们处理贷款申请之前完成.


Direct Loan Entrance Counseling must be completed online at www.热门产品.政府. 学生经济援助办公室的工作人员可以在入学咨询完成后回答问题. 鼓励学生提问,以确保充分了解联邦直接贷款计划.
Disbursement delay for first-time freshmen 首次入学新生的贷款款项不早于开学第一天后30天发放.

Step 3: Master Promissory Note (MPN) 所有借用学生贷款的学生必须填写直接贷款主本票. 的 Master Promissory Note can be completed online at www.热门产品.政府.

如果你以前在Mg4355娱乐电子游戏网站借过学生贷款 并且在你当前的奖状上已经获得了学生贷款, 在DSConnect的在线奖励信上注明你是希望接受还是拒绝贷款. 如果您希望更改贷款金额,或者如果您当前的奖励信中没有学生贷款,请填写 Student Loan Request Form.

如果您希望使用纸质申请申请直接贷款,请与 Office of Student 金融援助 at (706) 272-4545 or (800) 829-4436. 纸质申请流程可能需要额外2-4周的处理时间.

After you have completed your part of the process, 学生经济援助办公室根据你的FAFSA结果计算你是否有资格获得联邦直接贷款, 出勤费用, and other financial aid received. 学生经济援助办公室以电子方式传输您的直接贷款资格. 一旦我们收到你的贷款资格的确认, your loan funds are sent electronically to 道尔顿状态.

How will I receive my Direct Loan?

联邦法规要求直接贷款至少分成两笔相等的款项. If your loan is a two semester loan, 这仅仅意味着贷款的前半部分将在第一个期间发送, 第二笔付款将在第二期开始时发放. 一个学期的贷款也分为两次付款:贷款的前一半在学期开始时(或借款人第一年开始后的30天),后一半在学期中期. 您的贷款支出将通过最高1%的开业佣金和最高1%的预定费用来减少.

Before direct loans are applied to your 道尔顿状态 account, the 金融援助 Office must verify that you:

1) Be enrolled at least part time

2) Be attending classes


有余额吗? mg摆脱豪华版传奇大奖最新版本 tuition, fees, 书店, or 住房 expenses must be paid with your loan funds. If t在这里 is a balance remaining after all balances are paid, 最早可以退还给学生的钱是在学校的第二周. mg摆脱豪华版传奇大奖最新版本学生的部分经济援助退款将通过 BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.. 有关银行移动支付的更多信息,请访问以下链接: http://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoices/.



作为直接贷款借款人,你的责任之一是在你毕业或入学时间低于一半时通知你的贷款人. 当你更改地址、电话号码或姓名时,你也有责任通知你的贷款人. Your lender will notify you of repayment terms, including the date of your first payment, monthly payment amount, 还有还款选择.


Students are required to go through Direct Loan 出口咨询 when they graduate or drop below half-time enrollment at mg摆脱豪华版传奇大奖最新版本. 退出咨询告知你偿还贷款义务的严重性和重要性,并描述违约的可能后果. During exit counseling, you are given information regarding loan indebtedness, 还款方式, debt management techniques, and your lender's phone number and address. 在直接贷款退出咨询完成之前,学生记录将在全系统范围内保留.

当你毕业或学期结束后没有回来时,需要进行退出咨询. If you withdraw from mg摆脱豪华版传奇大奖最新版本, 作为退出过程的一部分,你需要在财政援助办公室进行直接贷款退出咨询. 这一要求必须在正式退出前完成,可能需要一个小时才能完成.

How do I repay my Federal Direct Loan?

在你毕业后或在你的直接贷款开始偿还之前,你有六个月的宽限期. 六个月的宽限期结束后,你开始偿还贷款. 然而,如果你想早点开始付款,提前付款是没有惩罚的.

无补贴联邦直接贷款的利息从你获得贷款的那一刻起就开始产生. 尽量按季度支付利息,以降低贷款的总成本. Any unpaid interest will be added to your loan balance, called 资本化, when you enter repayment. Estimated quarterly interest on a $1,000 Direct Loan at 6.8%的利息是17美元.00. 将17美元乘以你计划在无补贴直接贷款中借入的数千美元, to estimate the quarterly interest charge (i.e.例如,如果你借了4000美元的无补贴贷款,季度利息将是:4 × 17美元= 68美元.00).

偿还期限: You have up to 10 years to repay a Federal Direct Loan. 的 minimum monthly payment is $50 per month. 使用下面的图表来估计你每月的还款金额.

所借款项  付款金额  at 6.8% fixed interest rate
$3,500 95 $50.00
$5,500 120 $67.46
$7,500 120 $91.99
$10,000 120 $122.65
$15,000 120 $183.98
$20,000 120 $245.31
$25,000 120 $306.63
$30,000 120 $367.96
$40,000 120 $490.61

还款方式: 当你对你的直接贷款有疑问或遇到偿还贷款的问题时,联系你的贷款人. It is in your best interest, as well as your lender's best interest, to keep your loan in good standing. 在还款期间,您可能有以下选择:

延期 - 如果您获得延期,则无需支付直接贷款. If you have borrowed Subsidized Direct Loans, no interest accrues on these loans during deferment periods. 最常见的延迟是在最后一半时间重新入学. 然而, 对于无法找到全职工作(最长3年)和经济困难(最长3年)也有延期。. 如果你对延期还款有疑问或想申请延期还款,请咨询你的贷款人.

忍耐 - If you can't afford to make payments on your student loan, but don't qualify for a deferment, contact your lender regarding forbearance. 如果获得批准,你可以在一段时间内推迟还款. 然而,在延期期间,利息继续增加. 联系你的贷款人,如果你有Mg4355娱乐电子游戏网站忍耐的问题或希望要求一段时间的忍耐.

Student Loan Consolidation -合并允许您将所有联邦学生贷款合并为一个合并贷款. 如果你每月支付不止一笔学生贷款,你可能需要考虑合并, or want to lower your monthly payment. 合并延长了你的还款期限,减少了你的月供. 然而, as with any loan spread out over a longer repayment period, you may pay more interest if you take longer to repay the loan. You may also loose out on some of the benefits offered by your Direct Loan lender; contact the 金融援助 Office for more information on consolidation.

Consequences of Defaulting on your Federal Direct Loan:

未能按照主本票(MPN)中披露的条款偿还贷款导致违约. 学生贷款逾期270天就会违约. 为了避免违约,如果你在支付月供方面有困难,请联系你的贷款人. 他们会给你提供避免贷款违约的选择.

Consequences of defaulting on your federal Direct Loan are:

  • You can be sued for the entire amount of your student loan.

  • 你的信用等级可能会严重受损,使你将来很难借钱.

  • Your federal and state income tax refunds may be withheld.

  • Your wages may be garnished.

  • 你不能再得到联邦或州的财政援助,除非你能做出令人满意的偿还贷款的安排.

  • 你可能要承担与收回贷款有关的费用, including court costs and attorney fees.